AS a congregation we desire to live Christ to people,
while loving people to Christ.
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· We believe that the Bible is inspired and God’s infallible Word.
· We believe that a person will not go to heaven without having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In order to have such a relationship, a person must admit that they have sinned, repent of these sins, and then believe that Jesus death paid for these sins. Having such a relationship with Jesus Christ will result in a desire to live a Godly life according to the Bible.
· We believe that the Church is an essential part of the Christian life and without being a part of a local church, Christians will not live a victorious life in Christ. · We believe that Heaven and Hell are both literal and eternal.
· We believe that the Bible is the highest authority in the Church, above every tradition, personal, and denominational belief.
· We believe a systematic and clear explanation of the Bible will cause a person to see their need for a Savior as well as encouragement and correction for the Christian.
· We believe that once a person is brought into a relationship with Christ, church attendance is vital to living a life pleasing to God according to the New Testament.
· We believe that even though the church is filled with broken people, we are to love one another in unity based upon Biblical teachings.
· We believe that the love and unity of unlikely individuals offers a contrast to the world which will draw people to Christ.
· We believe that Jesus is the head of the church and that everything should point and be completed for His glory.